
This page includes a curated list of resources about attacks on education, education in emergencies, and related topics from various education, development, humanitarian, and human rights organizations, as well as from academic researchers. It is intended to be a resource bank of advocacy, research, and response articles, reports, books, websites, datasets, and other relevant materials.

In this evaluation of the international legal standing of the right to reparation and its practical implementation at the national level, Christine Evans outlines State responsibility and examines the jurisprudence of the International Court of Justice, the Articles on State Responsibility of the International Law Commission and the convergence of norms in different branches of international law, notably human rights law, humanitarian law and international criminal law.
Evans, Chrsitine  |  2012

Conor McCarthy's study of the Rome Statute's regime of victim redress provides a comprehensive exploration of this framework, examining both its reparations regime and its scheme for the provision of victim support through the ICC Trust Fund.
McCarthy, Conor  |  2012

Developed by UNICEF, the UN Global Compact and Save the Children – the Children’s Rights and Business Principles (the Principles) are the first comprehensive set of principles to guide companies on the full range of actions they can take in the workplace, marketplace and community to respect and support children’s rights.

The article analyses the European Court of Human Rights’ judgments in Al-Skeini v. United Kingdom and Al-Jedda v. United Kingdom.
Milanović, Marko  |  2012

The International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED 2011) provides a comprehensive framework for organizing education programs and qualification by applying uniform and internationally agreed definitions to facilitate comparisons of education systems across countries.

The material in this book is intended to give a clear understanding of contemporary international human rights law as it applies to, and has been interpreted in, situations of armed conflict and counter-terrorism measures.
Doswald-Beck, Louise  |  2011

Case study
After documenting the process and activities of successful local initiatives, consultations were carried out to develop the Schools as Zones of Peace (SZOP) National Framework, aimed to develop a national policy for establishing all schools as Zones of Peace by keeping them free from political and other interference – discrimination, violence, corporal punishment, neglect and exploitation.
Save The Children

The paper provides an overview of the damage to childhood development and learning capacity caused by traumatic stress in former child soldiers, and highlights evidence on specific learning difficulties faced by children and adolescents in insecure and violent environments-with a focus on cognitive and other competencies needed for classroom settings.
Boothby, Neil; Nichol, Brownwyn  |  2010
Education Above All

Through analysis of legislative and judicial actions in a selection of Muslim and non-Muslim States in relation to the rights of the child in criminal matters, this study aims to identify possible harmonization between the obligations of the international human rights law (e.g. the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child) and the criminal justice systems within each State, particularly Islamic law (Sharia).
Abiad, Nisrine et al.  |  2010

This book explores the development of international human rights law over the last six decades (2010) by bringing together leading experts to reflect on different aspects of human rights law, not only considering and evaluating the developments so far, but also identifying relevant problems and proposing relevant possible perspectives for the continued positive future development of human rights law.
Baderin, Mashood et al.  |  2010

This market-leading textbook gives an authoritative account of international criminal law, and focuses on what the student needs to know - the crimes that are dealt with by international courts and tribunals as well as the procedures that police the investigation and prosecution of those crimes.
Cryer, Robert  |  2010

This article considers the provision of the Statute of the Court from the optic of generality, and assesses the extent to which this might affect our understanding of how notions of consent and consensus impact and should impact the making of public international law.
Kritsiosis, Dino  |  2010

This Article considers the impact, or tremors, of paragraph 70 of the decision on interlocutory appeal on jurisdiction of the Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia in Prosecutor v. Tadić, which was delivered in October 1995.
Kritsiotis, Dino  |  2010

UNESCO has commissioned a series of publications to enhance global understanding of the nature, scope, motives and impact of attacks on education and of the work that is being done by communities, organizations and governments to prevent and respond to such violence.
Alexander, Jessica et al.  |  2010

This article describes the Inter-American system of human rights protection focusing mainly on the roles of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights.
González, Felipe  |  2009

This book gives an exhaustive overview and analysis of the legal framework and judicial practice relating to the use of lethal force by States against selected individuals
Melzer, Nils  |  2008

This book provides a modern and basic introduction to the law of armed conflict, constantly gaining in importance in international life, namely international humanitarian law.
Hyde, Richard et al.  |  2008

This book explores the problematic definition of torture in the UN Convention Against Torture, the substantive obligations of Sates parties, the principle of "non-refoulement", provisions for international monitoring, and the concept of preventative visits to all places of detention as contained in the Optional Protocol to the Convention.
Nowak, Manfred; Mcarthur, Elizabeth  |  2008

This research, undertaken from a comparative perspective with a view to identifying any patterns followed by Islamic countries in making declarations and reservations to the main international human rights treaties, seeks to measure and analyze to what extent Sharia affects the ratification and implementation of human rights norms by Muslim States.
Abiad, Nasrine  |  2008

The author analyses the question of in which situations either international humanitarian law or international human rights law is more specific and considers the procedural dimension of this interplay, in particular concerning the rules governing investigations into alleged violations, court access for alleged victims and reparations for wrongdoing.
Droege, Cordula  |  2008

This chapter of The Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law is an examination and analysis of "military necessity" and its various definitions and interpretations.
Dinstein, Yoram  |  2008

In this speech delivered at the conference honoring Professor Dugard, President Higgins discusses various human rights issues that have come before the International Court of Justice, including self-determination, reservations to human rights treaties, the application of human rights instruments to occupied territories, and allegations of genocide by one state against another.
Higgins, Rosalyn  |  2007
