Attacks on Education Dataset
This dataset is provided by the Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack (GCPEA) from its Education under Attack database which monitors attacks on schools, universities, students, and educators, by armed forces and armed groups, as well as military use of educational institutions. GCPEA compiles the database from news, non-governmental organization, and United Nations reports, as well as outreach to staff members of relevant national and international organizations. The database is used to publish GCPEA’s Education under Attack report series. The dataset presented here covers attacks on education from 2020 through 2023. For more information about GCPEA’s methodology and the Education under Attack series, see Education under Attack 2024.

Source: GCPEA, Education under Attack 2022 (New York: Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack, 2022), accessed August 1, 2022; GCPEA, Education under Attack 2024 (New York: Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack, 2024), accessed August 1, 2024. The discrepancy between education-related incidents across pages on the TRACE Data Portal is due to differences in data sources, timeframes, or area foci. GCPEA’s materials and data should be referred to as the standard for any numbers of attacks on education and military use. The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.